1. Do you need support for Assetto Corsa Competizione? Please use the proper forum below and ALWAYS zip and attach the WHOLE "Logs" folder in your c:\users\*youruser*\AppData\Local\AC2\Saved. The "AppData" folder is hidden by default, check "Hidden items" in your Windows view properties. If you report a crash, ALWAYS zip and attach the WHOLE "Crashes" folder in the same directory. Do not post "I have the same issue" in an existing thread with a game crash, always open your own thread. Do not PM developers and staff members for personal troubleshooting and support.
  2. As part of our continuous maintenance and improvements to Assetto Corsa Competizione we will be releasing small updates on a regular basis during the esports season which might not go through the usual announcement process detailing the changes until a later version update where these changes will be listed retrospectively.
  3. If ACC doesn't start with an error or the executable is missing, please add your entire Steam directory to the exceptions in your antivirus software, run a Steam integrity check or reinstall the game altogether. Make sure you add the User/Documents/Assetto Corsa Competizione folder to your antivirus/Defender exceptions and exclude it from any file sharing app (GDrive, OneDrive or Dropbox)! The Corsair iCue software is also known to conflict with Input Device initialization, if the game does not start up and you have such devices, please try disabling the iCue software and try again. [file:unknown] [line: 95] secure crt: invalid error is a sign of antivirus interference, while [Pak chunk signing mismatch on chunk] indicates a corrupted installation that requires game file verification.
  4. When reporting an issue with saved games, please always zip and attach your entire User/Documents/Assetto Corsa Competizione/Savegame folder, along with the logs and the crash folder (when reporting related to a crash).






the process is very simple. Basically it's a 3-steps process.

Your forum user has its own password in order to log on this forum. Remember it.

Go on the external accounts page and click "Associate with Steam". You will be automatically redirect to the official Steam website. Here you need to log in with your Steam credentials (that you use with Steam client too). Done that, you will be automatically redirect on our forum again. Last step: it will ask for your FORUM PASSWORD. Put it into the text field and the process is done.


In order to avoid any confusion about forum use, here is a short list of rules. Just remember: this is a support forum, not a community, so it's heavily moderated. We aim to offer you the best support we can.

1. PC section of the forum is reserved to AC/ACC licensed users only
Being a support forum, a legit Assetto Corsa ora Assetto Corsa Competizione valid Steam purchase is required to join. During the registration process, please associate your Steam account containing the legit AC/ACC license, otherwise your account will be instantly and automatically disabled. In case AC or ACC license are missing, the account will be banned. The ban can be lifted by contacting support@assettocorsa.net after purchasing a legit AC/ACC license on Steam platform.

2. English is the official forum language
We're very proud to welcome members from all over the world, but we ask that people post messages in English, so other users and developers can help faster and better.

3. Advertising - buy/sell discussions
No commercial advertising is permitted anywhere on the forum (always PM a staff member first if you have doubts).
Infractions will be punished with a warning or a ban and the related discussion instantly removed. Linking to websites that require user registration is strongly discouraged.

4. Derailing a discussion
Don't join a disussion if you don't like it or doesn't interest you. Derailing a thread or posting off-topic contents will result in a warning or a ban.

5. Flaming, trolling, harrassing, flamebaiting, disinformation, false news
This is strictly forbidden. Users that exhibit an inappropriate behavior (stalking, harassing, intentions to provoke emotional responses and so on) will be warned and, in case of recurrence, banned. This also applies to discussions about false news and disinformation.

6. Personal insults and attacks
Any content judged by moderators as a slur (racial, ethnic, religious and so on), will be subject to infraction. The related user will be instantly banned, without any warning.

7. Attacking or calling out Staff
As well known by our fellow users, Kunos Simulazioni welcomes constructive criticism and complaints. Sadly, the line that divides the "constructive" from the "destructive" is very thin. So, please, keep the discussion polite and clean. There's no room for the "casual whiner" here. Feel free to ask moderators about specific actions or general questions.

8. Copyright violation
Extracting, decrypting and/or converting cars, tracks, objects and any other copyrighted content from Assetto Corsa and/or any other software, even talking about that, without the permission of the author is strictly prohibited and subject to infraction. The rule is also applied to a mod made from scratch but related to another mod that breaks this rule (e.g. a sound mod made for an illegally converted car).

9. Warns, bans, general moderation
Moderators can ban users for indefinite time, even without warning, at its own discretion and of course related to the infraction committed. The last word always belong to moderators. Duplicated accounts will be considered "ban evasion", in this case the moderators will extend the original ban.

10. Payware content
Only free content is allowed in the modding subforums. Creators can ask for a donation, but "mandatory donations / pay per use" are strictly prohibited on the official forum and its subforums. Threads that don't respect the rule above will be deleted and the author subject to infraction.

Registering to our support forum, you accept the above rules.



- As said, associate your STEAM profile through this link and keep it associated
- Make a signature with your PC specs and ACC settings
- ALWAYS zip and attach the WHOLE "Logs" folder in your c:\users\*youruser*\AppData\Local\AC2\Saved. The "AppData" folder is hidden by default, check "Hidden items" in your Windows view properties. If you report a crash, ALWAYS zip and attach the WHOLE "Crashes" folder in the same directory.


Please read carefully this post and act accordingly for bug reporting
When you start a thread at the title there's a pull down menu with some possible prefixes, here's how to use them:

[SUGGESTION] short description
Use the above prefix for your suggestions. You can use it ONLY in the "General Support - Feedbacks - Suggestions" forum. Don't discuss about suggestions in other subforums.

[CRITICAL] short description
Use the above title ONLY when you have a critical problem. A showstopper. That means that without solving this you can't play Assetto Corsa. That includes crashes that don't let you play, a controls configuration problems, inability to install, UI doesn't work etc etc... Put in the description as much information as possible in order to reproduce the problem. Screenshots and short videos always well accepted. When you choose to upload a crash report and log files from inside the UI, it automatically saves a bug ID number in your memory. Post in the forums and simply do a paste in your post so we can connect it to the bug you've send us. Makes our lives easier.

[BUG] short description
Use the above title when you notice whatever problem you think it's not a feature (lol). Graphical problems, flickering, stuttering, errors on UI navigation, ecc ecc. Anything that permits you to play but still annoys you. Put in the description as much information as possible in order to reproduce the problem. Screenshots and short videos always well accepted. Keep in hand your log files we might ask you to post them after we have checked the problem.

[ISSUE] short description
Use the above title when you have something to notify, relative to ACC. Something you're not sure how it works, or if it works as intended. The discussion might grow up and you never know what might happen.

[WORKAROUND] short description
If you know how to bypass an issue until devs fix it, use this prefix and explain how to solve using a workaround.

Important Notes:
  • We will modify your thread title prefix in [FIXED], [WORKING ON IT], [AS DESIGNED] or whatever we decide to do with the information you gave us and we will post in the thread.
  • Always check to see if someone else has posted the same issue. If so, please add your description on his thread. Moderators will merge threads if needed.
  • Keep calm and drive on. If a dev is not replying on your thread then it means that a) is busy with another bug, b) your bug has not a priority, c) decided to ignore it for the time being d) has forgotten, contact the admin via PM if needed, but don't make multiples "UP" on your thread as it will make a mess to the order of the forum.
Do not use a prefix for everything else.
Most importantly, keep it simple :)
Thank you

Assetto Corsa / Assetto Corsa Competizione videos and monetization - Official Statement

Hello everybody, this is our official statement regarding videos of Assetto Corsa on YouTube or other video channels and their monetization.

IT IS NOT PERMITTED the publication of entire official Assetto Corsa videos, taken from the official Assetto Corsa YouTube channel or other official sources and reproduced on 3rd party channels with monetization activated. The official Assetto Corsa videos have copyrighted soundtracks paid by KUNOS Simulazioni, and as such, cannot be monetized.

IT IS PERMITTED the publication and monetization of any video of Assetto Corsa, created by third parties. The legal responsibility of copyrighted materials included in such videos, is entirely of the producer.

KUNOS Simulazioni declines legal responsibility and reserves all legal rights, against any copyrighted, illegal, defamatory or offensive in any other way content that includes video or screenshots material from Assetto Corsa.


Cari utenti, questa è la posizione ufficiale di Kunos Simulazioni sui contenuti multimediali di Assetto Corsa su YouTube o altri canali video e la relativa monetizzazione.

E' VIETATA la pubblicazione dei video ufficiali di Assetto Corsa, presi dal canale Youtube ufficiale di Assetto Corsa o da altre sorgenti ufficiali e riprodotti su canali di terze parti la cui funzione di monetizzazione è attiva. I contenuti ufficiali di Assetto Corsa contengono tracce audio protette da copyright, pagate da KUNOS Simulazioni e per questo non utilizzabili per la monetizzazione.

E' PERMESSA la pubblicazione e relativa monetizzazione di qualsiasi altro video relativo ad Assetto Corsa creato da terze parti. La responsabilità legale dei contenuti protetti da copyright inclusi in tali video è interamente del produttore dello stesso.

KUNOS Simulazioni declina ogni responsabilità legale nei confronti di qualsiasi contenuto coperto da copyright, diffamatorio, illegale o offensivo che include materiale multimediale di Assetto Corsa, riservandosi ogni eventuale diritto di procedere per vie legali.

ASSETTO CORSA Minimum Requirements

Minimum Requirements
OS: Windows Vista SP2 32-bit (with KB971512 platform update)
Processor: AMD Athlon X2 2.8 GHZ, Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHZ
Memory: 4GB
Graphics Card: DirectX 10.1 (e.g. AMD Radeon HD 6450, Nvidia GeForce GTX 460)
Graphics Memory: 512 MB
Hard Drive: 15 GB

Recommended Requirements
OS: Windows Vista Sp2 - 7 Sp1 - 8 - 8.1 - 10
Processor: AMD Six-Core CPU, Intel Quad-Core CPU
Memory: 6 GB
Graphics Card: DirectX 11 (e.g. AMD Radeon 290x, Nvidia GeForce GTX 970)
Graphics Memory: 3 GB
Hard Drive: 20 GB

Supported game devices
Any game device recognized by Microsoft Direct Input, including keyboard, mouse, joypads, joysticks, steering wheels.
Ready for nVidia 3D Vision, Track IR-Pro

ASSETTO CORSA Dedicated Server manual

How to setup a dedicated server

Be aware that the following steps must be followed whenever Assetto Corsa is updated by Steam.

1) Go to your AC installation folder (Steam -> Assetto Corsa -> properties -> local files -> browse local files)
2) Open acServerManager.exe (latest version can be found in your Steam folder\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\server)
3) Click on Update Server Content
4) If your server is running on remote PC, upload the entire "server" folder. Remember to backup the three files listed in the section below: in this case just check for new settings in the new files and add them to your old ones.

If you want, you can also run acServerManager.exe with "/pack /nomsg" as arguments to have the same result of points 2 and 3 with no window.

If you are kicked from the server because of a mismatch (car or track) you need to update your game OR probably the server is not updated with the latest content.

How to create and start an online session

!!! ALERT !!!
Please be aware that, in order to have a good online experience, AC requires that you have a good quality connection (both ping and stability). So, please, do not play online while your connection is under stress (torrent, Windows updates, shared connections) and,
most importantly, do not run servers using extreme configurations. This means that if your connection has a low upload bandwidth, you should not run a server with 24 slots.

Please have a look at the acServerManager tool to have an idea about your approximate bandwidth usage.

The server will read the following two configuration files:

Add the blacklist file which stores the client's Steam GUID who will not be allowed on the server:

These files can be generated and managed by the "acServerManager.exe" application located in your Assetto Corsa/server folder, or can be manually managed by you using a text editor such as Windows' notepad.

To start the server you need to run the acServer.exe (watch out for the server message in case of errors)
We suggest you run the acServer.bat batch that will dump the log of the server directly into the exe's folder under an unique name (timestamp). Be aware that when starting the batch file, an empty black CMD window will appear on the screen: it is normal as the server will write the messages in the file. These files are useful for storing online session's data (client's GUID, etc) and enable the staff to support you in case of any issues.


NAME=AC #001 Abarth Festival  ;name of the server
CARS=abarth500_s1;ferrari_458  ; models of the cars allowed in the server - that's exactly the car folder's name (into the "content/cars" folder)
TRACK=vallelunga       ; track on the server - that's exactly the track folder's name (into the "content/tracks" folder)
CONFIG_TRACK=extended_circuit;  subversion of the track, this parameter must contains the name of the track's subversion folder that you find in "content\tracks\TRACK\ui"
SUN_ANGLE=-8               ; angle of the position of the sun
MAX_CLIENTS=15             ; max number of clients (must be <= track's number of pits)
RACE_OVER_TIME=20          ; time remaining in seconds to finish the race from the moment the first one passes on the finish line
ALLOWED_TYRES_OUT=-1       ; penalty (-1 disabled)
UDP_PORT=9600              ; UDP port number -> open this port on your server's firewall
TCP_PORT=9600              ; TCP port number -> open this port on your server's firewall
HTTP_PORT=8081             ; Lobby port number -> open this ports (both UDP and TCP) on your server's firewall
PASSWORD=something         ; server password
LOOP_MODE=1                ; the server restarts from the first track, to disable this set it to 0
REGISTER_TO_LOBBY=1        ; this must not be touched
PICKUP_MODE_ENABLED=1      ; if 0 the server start in booking mode (do not use it). Warning: in pickup mode you have to list only a circuit under TRACK and you need to list a least one car in the entry_list
SLEEP_TIME=1               ; this must not be touched
VOTING_QUORUM=75           ; percentage of vote that is required for the SESSION vote to pass
VOTE_DURATION=20           ; time in seconds
BLACKLIST_MODE=0           ; ban player -> 0 = normal kick, rejoin possible, 1 = until server restart, 2 kick  player and add him to blacklist
TC_ALLOWED=1               ; 0 -> no car can use TC, 1 -> only car provided with TC can use it; 2-> any car can use TC
ABS_ALLOWED=1              ; 0 -> no car can use ABS, 1 -> only car provided with ABS can use it; 2-> any car can use ABS
STABILITY_ALLOWED=0        ; Stability assist 0 -> OFF; 1 -> ON
AUTOCLUTCH_ALLOWED=1       ; Autoclutch assist 0 -> OFF; 1 -> ON
DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER=0        ; Damage from 0 (no damage) to 100 (full damage)
FUEL_RATE=100              ; Fuel usage from 0 (no fuel usage) to XXX (100 is the realistic one)
TYRE_WEAR_RATE=100         ; Tyre wear from 0 (no tyre wear) to XXX (100 is the realistic one)
CLIENT_SEND_INTERVAL_HZ=15 ; refresh rate of packet sending by the server. 10Hz = ~100ms. Higher number = higher MP quality = higher bandwidth resources needed. Really high values can create connection issues
TYRE_BLANKETS_ALLOWED=1    ; at the start of the session or after the pitstop the tyre will have the the optimal temperature

ADMIN_PASSWORD=kunos       ; it's the password needed to be recognized as server administrator: you can join the server using it to be recognized automatically. Write on the game's chat /help to see the command list
QUALIFY_MAX_WAIT_PERC=120  ; this is the factor to calculate the remaining time in a qualify session after the session is ended: 120 means that 120% of the session fastest lap remains to end the current lap.
WELCOME_MESSAGE=           ; path of a file who contains the server welome message

START_RULE=0         ; 0 is car locked until start;   1 is teleport   ; 2 is drivethru (if race has 3 or less laps then the Teleport penalty is enabled)
NUM_THREADS=4          ; default is 2

FORCE_VIRTUAL_MIRROR=1     ; 1 virtual mirror will be enabled for every client, 0 for mirror as optional
LEGAL_TYRES=V;E;HR;ST      ; list of the tyre's shortnames that will be allowed in the server.
MAX_BALLAST_KG=50          ; the max total of ballast that can be added through the admin command
UDP_PLUGIN_LOCAL_PORT=0    ; see plugin example
UDP_PLUGIN_ADDRESS=        ; see plugin example
AUTH_PLUGIN_ADDRESS=       ; see plugin example
RACE_GAS_PENALTY_DISABLED=0    ; 0  any cut will be penalized with the gas cut message; 1 no penalization will be forced, but cuts will be saved in the race result json.
RESULT_SCREEN_TIME=10 ; seconds of result screen between racing sessions.
RACE_EXTRA_LAP=0 ; if it's a timed race, with 1 the race will not end when the time is over and the leader crosses the line, but the latter will be forced to drive another extra lap.

LOCKED_ENTRY_LIST=0 ; same as in booking mode, only players already included in the entry list can join the server (password not needed).
RACE_PIT_WINDOW_START=25 ; Pit window open at lap/minute (depends on the race mode)
RACE_PIT_WINDOW_END=35 ; Pit window closes at lap/minute (depends on the race mode)
REVERSED_GRID_RACE_POSITIONS=8 ; 0 = no additional race, 1toX = only those position will be reversed for the next race, -1 = all the position will be reversed (Retired players will be on the last positions)

------ UPDATE ------
TIME_OF_DAY_MULT=1  ; multiplier for the time of day

SESSION_START=90           ; % level of grip at session start
RANDOMNESS=1               ; level of randomness added to the start grip
LAP_GAIN=1                 ; how many laps are needed to add 1% grip
SESSION_TRANSFER=90        ; how much of the gained grip is to be added to the next session 100 -> all the gained grip. Example: difference between starting (90) and ending (96) grip in the session = 6%, with session_transfer = 50 then the next session is going to start with 93.

[BOOK]                     ; booking session - add this section only if your server is in booking mode
TIME=5                     ; session length in minutes

NAME=Free Practice
TIME=0                     ; session length in minutes
IS_OPEN=1                  ; 0 = no join, 1 = free join,

TIME=15                    ; session length in minutes
IS_OPEN=1                  ; 0 = no join, 1 = free join,

LAPS=5                    ; length of the lap races
TIME=0                    ; length of the timed races, only if laps = 0
WAIT_TIME=60               ; seconds before the start of the session
IS_OPEN=2                  ; 0 = no join, 1 = free join, 2 = free join until 20 seconds to the green light

[WEATHER_0]                ; mandatory section for weather.
GRAPHICS=3_clear           ; it's exactly one of the folder name that you find into "content\weather" directory
BASE_TEMPERATURE_AMBIENT=18 ; temperature of the Ambient
VARIATION_AMBIENT=2        ; variation of the ambient's temperature. In this example final ambient's temperature can be 16 or 20
BASE_TEMPERATURE_ROAD=6    ; Relative road temperature: this value will be added to the final ambient temp. In this example the road temperature will be between 22 (16 + 6) and 26 (20 + 6). It can be negative.
VARIATION_ROAD=1           ; variation of the road's temperature. Like the ambient one.

------ UPDATE ------
; Be aware the session wind is static for all its duration; speed and direction is random related to the values below

WIND_BASE_SPEED_MIN=3     ; Min speed of the session possible
WIND_BASE_SPEED_MAX=15     ; Max speed of session possible (max 40)
WIND_BASE_DIRECTION=30      ; base direction of the wind (wind is pointing at); 0 = North, 90 = East etc
WIND_VARIATION_DIRECTION=15   ; variation (+ or -) of the base direction

; so in this example the then wind speed can be between 3 and 15 and direction between 15 and 45

An entire section ([BOOK],[PRACTICE], etc ) can be removed: for example, if you want a race without a practice session.

You can add other WEATHER sections (WEATHER_1, WEATHER_2 etc), and each new session will be randomly selected from these.
For road temperatures relative to ambient temperature, weather and time of the day, please check the acServerManager tool.

Mandatory Pit : a pit window can be added to the race session. As a design choice, players need to cross the pitentry line and stop at their pit box within the pit window to have a valid pit stop. Players may make additional pit stops before and after the pit window, but only making a mandatory stop in the indicated pit window will validate their race. Server admins must decide on a pit window that allows all players to comfortably make a pit stop under normal racing conditions.

Reversed grid races: the race session will be restarted in reversed grid order based on the standings of the previous race. Players disqualified in the first race will start from the back of the grid in the second race, regardless of their position being within the reversed grid range.

This will be improved in the next update.

[CAR_0]                    ; car index -> from 0 to XXX
DRIVERNAME=                ; Driver name that will appear on the lobby
TEAM=                      ; Team of driver
MODEL=                     ; car model - that's exactly the car folder's name (into the "content/cars" folder)
SKIN=                      ; car skin -  that's exactly the skin folder's name (into the "content/cars/MODEL/skins" folder)
GUID=                      ; STEAM64 GUID
SPECTATOR_MODE=            ; leave it to 0
BALLAST=0                  ; how many kg of ballast to be added to this car. Excessive ballast can severely affect handling and car behaviour!

------ UPDATE ------
RESTRICTOR=0      ; from 0 to 100, cuts the car's engine power. 100=100% restrictor plate. It limits power in the top range of the power band, will not kill total power. Effective handicap depends on car and track, experimentation needed. Advantage over BALLAST is that it does not affect handling. 0=no restrictor plate, maintains original power.

FIXED_SETUP=               ; if the line is there but empty, the server will search a defined "MODELNAME.ini" (for example "bmw_m3_e30.ini") into the "setups" folder. Otherwise you can insert a setup name in as value ("setupname.ini")
Your STEAM64 GUID can be found in your "documents/assetto corsa/logs/log.txt" just after you have run a driving session in AC.
Steam Community ID:76561197983XXXXXX
The setups can be only partially fixed: the user can remove sections or keys from the ini file to make those part "customizable". Everything that is part of the file will be locked in the clients.
So if you want a fixed setup with free fuel quantity then the "[FUEL]VALUE=XXX " must be removed.

Example for a server in pickup mode
You need to insert at least a number of cars sections equal to the MAX_CLIENTS value or higher than that. So if the server is allowing 10, cars then the entry list must have cars from [CAR_0] to [CAR_9] at least.
MODEL=ferrari_458_gt2       ; this MUST BE one of the car allowed in the "server_cfg.ini"
SKIN=black_matte            ; car skin -  that's exactly the skin folder's name (into the "content/cars/ferrari_458_gt2/skins" folder)
Server administration mainly works through the server chat. It is MANDATORY to set the "ADMIN_PASSWORD" in the server_cfg.ini file.
/help: prints the list of the available commands
/admin: become administrator for the server. ex, if the password is "kunos" the command is "/admin kunos"
/next_session: moves to next session
/ksns: moves to next session
/restart_session: restart the session
/ksrs: restart the session
/kick: kick a user using the rules (blacklist etc) of the server. To kick a player named "The Player": /kick The Player
/client_list: shows the full car list by CAR_ID : "PlayerName"
/kick_id: kick the user who occuping CAR_ID. To kick a player named "The Player" who's occuping CAR_15: /kick_id 15
/ballast: add weight to the CAR_ID. To add 200 kg to the CAR_15: /ballast 15 200
/restrictor: cut engine power to the CAR_ID. To add 50% restrictor to the CAR_15:  /restrictor 15 50
/ban_id: ban the user who occuping CAR_ID. To ban a player named "The Player" who's occuping CAR_15: /ban_id 15

Shared GUID: each car in the entry list can feature multiple GUIDs, sperated by a ';' . Players can share that car (one at once). The name inserted in the entry list is used as driver name.


This can also be used as partial driver swap and it's the 1st step to a more complete functionality: in fact setup will not be shared (can be solved using server fixed setup system), the new player will have a brand new car and mandatory pit will not work (yet).

Multiple servers on the same PC

To run more than a server at the same time on the same PC, remember that you have to use different ports for each one, and it is advised to run different executables (acServer for the first server, acServer2 for the second one and so on, or create another server folder somewhere)
If you want to use this feature on the acseservermanager, it is mandatory to fill the Server Path field with the new .exe path.
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