1. Do you need support for Assetto Corsa Competizione? Please use the proper forum below and ALWAYS zip and attach the WHOLE "Logs" folder in your c:\users\*youruser*\AppData\Local\AC2\Saved. The "AppData" folder is hidden by default, check "Hidden items" in your Windows view properties. If you report a crash, ALWAYS zip and attach the WHOLE "Crashes" folder in the same directory. Do not post "I have the same issue" in an existing thread with a game crash, always open your own thread. Do not PM developers and staff members for personal troubleshooting and support.
  2. As part of our continuous maintenance and improvements to Assetto Corsa Competizione we will be releasing small updates on a regular basis during the esports season which might not go through the usual announcement process detailing the changes until a later version update where these changes will be listed retrospectively.
  3. If ACC doesn't start with an error or the executable is missing, please add your entire Steam directory to the exceptions in your antivirus software, run a Steam integrity check or reinstall the game altogether. Make sure you add the User/Documents/Assetto Corsa Competizione folder to your antivirus/Defender exceptions and exclude it from any file sharing app (GDrive, OneDrive or Dropbox)! The Corsair iCue software is also known to conflict with Input Device initialization, if the game does not start up and you have such devices, please try disabling the iCue software and try again. [file:unknown] [line: 95] secure crt: invalid error is a sign of antivirus interference, while [Pak chunk signing mismatch on chunk] indicates a corrupted installation that requires game file verification.
  4. When reporting an issue with saved games, please always zip and attach your entire User/Documents/Assetto Corsa Competizione/Savegame folder, along with the logs and the crash folder (when reporting related to a crash).

Default in car camera position seems to have a massive positive offset

Discussion in 'ACC General Discussions' started by Kernel Matrix, Oct 2, 2024 at 8:16 AM.

  1. Kernel Matrix

    Kernel Matrix Rookie


    I think something has gone wrong with the default camera view in all of the cars and they haven't always been this way. At camera distance set to 0.0 it now feels like my head is sticking out of the windscreen. I need to set it to a -40.00 position to get something resembling normal. I've taken a few pictures of the settings so I'm wondering if someone can spot something I can't.

    What it looks like at default
    The settings
    When set to -40.00
    Finally screen setup

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  3. Dewald Nel

    Dewald Nel Hardcore Simmer

    Well, that's obviously dashcam which you're trying to modify to look like normal cockpit cam. Cycle through the cameras to find the one you were on before. I think the default key is F1.
    Kernel Matrix likes this.
  4. Kernel Matrix

    Kernel Matrix Rookie

    Oh boy, embarrassing user error. Thanks
    Dewald Nel likes this.

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