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Generic How accurate are the laser scanned tracks?

Discussion in 'Console Lounge' started by Snowman38, Dec 23, 2016.

  1. Snowman38

    Snowman38 Hardcore Simmer

    So I'm just wondering if we could start a thread going into detail about how accurate and realistic the laser scanned tracks are.

    In particular, my question comes from some of the small bumps and nuances felt while lapping Nordschleife.. and the car sometimes becoming unsettled from a small dip in the left side of the track, or right side.. and wondering how realistic, and how fine of detail has this laser scan technology picked up.

    Also, I could not find a list of "laser scanned" tracks, does anybody know or have a list of laser scanned tracks/configurations?

    Thanks for reading!
    Alpinefd likes this.

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  3. Blamer

    Blamer Hardcore Simmer

    From Kunos? All laser scanned but Zandvoort and, of course, Black Cat County
    chargingcar likes this.
  4. Snowman38

    Snowman38 Hardcore Simmer

    Historic Silverstone? As far as I can tell, time travel has not been invented.. Also I read somewhere about only half (possibly) of a certain track being scanned, and one of the configurations was not fully scanned due to time constraints or something. Vallelunga I believe.

    So again, is there a detailed list that you are aware of?
  5. kofotsjanne

    kofotsjanne Alien

    They have their office at vallelunga so that they didnt have time to scan that one sounds weird. :p
    John514, Ace Pumpkin and Hagen like this.
  6. aphidgod

    aphidgod Alien

    Yes: again, every nonfictional track except Zandvoort. Obviously the historic tracks can't be entirely scanned, as parts of them no longer exist... but that caveat doesn't change the list.
  7. Snowman38

    Snowman38 Hardcore Simmer

    I think one of the configurations is closed or something (perhaps it's no longer in use??),. Not positive, but I could have sworn I heard something like this.
  8. kofotsjanne

    kofotsjanne Alien

    Maybe someone that knows can clarify. :)
    Snowman38 likes this.
  9. Snowman38

    Snowman38 Hardcore Simmer

    Ok, well, awesome. Now how accurate are they? I've always wondered how this "laser scan" works.. Did it capture bumps in the road? Ruts?
  10. aphidgod

    aphidgod Alien

    Well... that I'm afraid I can't answer that with much more than speculation. :)

    The raw scans themselves are probably accurate within a couple cm or better, but such point clouds are immense so clearly some filtering has to be done. As for how that's done and which details remain, I suspect only the track artist can answer that with authority. That said, I'd expect cambers, elevations, undulations, widths and corner radii to be pretty much spot on, with some of the 'detail' bumps sacrificed due to the limitations of the game environment. But again... only guessing.

    (Also, just to be pedantic: Trento-Bondone is not scanned either, but I left that out since this is a console thread and you guys didn't get that one.)
    Snowman38 and Pleite like this.
  11. ZX636

    ZX636 Hardcore Simmer

    About Vallelunga:
    "Prior to 2005, “Trincea” was the most challenging bend on the Vallelunga circuit before it was modified to host Formula 1 tests. Trincea (“trench”) is a blind high-speed corner that joins the straight after “Ciminis” to the slower section of the circuit. On the real track, in spite of Trincea being permanently closed, the road is still there and it has been captured in our laser-scan point cloud, which is why we decided to give you the thrill this bend was able to offer, bringing the number of layouts available for “our” home circuit up to three."

    And when It comes down to historic tracks, some parts don't exist anymore.
    But if they're there, they can be laserscanned. Monza's banking, for example, has been recreated using that technology (before the resurfacing process, of course). Same goes for the old parts of Spa, Kunos has the laserdata to create a historic version, but, sadly, not enough time to do that.
  12. Fat-Alfie

    Fat-Alfie Hardcore Simmer

    I very much doubt that Magione is laser scanned. The physics mesh looks totally different to all the other tracks. Just a mesh 7 rows of polys wide, with no optimisation...
  13. kofotsjanne

    kofotsjanne Alien

  14. Fat-Alfie

    Fat-Alfie Hardcore Simmer

    I don't think so, no. The physics mesh literally has no bumps. The verts are the same height, all equally spaced... most strange o_O
  15. Have you driven on Magione in game? There are most certainly bumps...the back straight features some of the worst in AC....
    Ace Pumpkin and Dookie like this.
  16. Fat-Alfie

    Fat-Alfie Hardcore Simmer

    I meant fine surface bumps, not longitudinal 'ripples'. It really does not look laser scanned to me. Or rather, it does not look optimised.
  17. kofotsjanne

    kofotsjanne Alien

    This software is a playable benchmark that allows gamers to test on their PCs the new DirectX11 graphics engine, the advanced user interface and in-game "App System", as well as the dynamic engine, driving a Lotus Elise SuperCharged on the italian racing track of Magione, reproduced using the Laserscan Technology in order to reproduce it at the maximum fidelity.
  18. Snowman38

    Snowman38 Hardcore Simmer

    There we go!! Thanks ZX636...

    and speaking of Monza.. is the banking really THAT bumpy? Seems like a horrible design.
  19. kofotsjanne

    kofotsjanne Alien

    It looks pretty bumpy
  20. Snowman38

    Snowman38 Hardcore Simmer

    that's crazy! wow
    pippo10 likes this.
  21. Fat-Alfie

    Fat-Alfie Hardcore Simmer

    But have you looked at the mesh yourself?

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