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  2. As part of our continuous maintenance and improvements to Assetto Corsa Competizione we will be releasing small updates on a regular basis during the esports season which might not go through the usual announcement process detailing the changes until a later version update where these changes will be listed retrospectively.
  3. If ACC doesn't start with an error or the executable is missing, please add your entire Steam directory to the exceptions in your antivirus software, run a Steam integrity check or reinstall the game altogether. Make sure you add the User/Documents/Assetto Corsa Competizione folder to your antivirus/Defender exceptions and exclude it from any file sharing app (GDrive, OneDrive or Dropbox)! The Corsair iCue software is also known to conflict with Input Device initialization, if the game does not start up and you have such devices, please try disabling the iCue software and try again. [file:unknown] [line: 95] secure crt: invalid error is a sign of antivirus interference, while [Pak chunk signing mismatch on chunk] indicates a corrupted installation that requires game file verification.
  4. When reporting an issue with saved games, please always zip and attach your entire User/Documents/Assetto Corsa Competizione/Savegame folder, along with the logs and the crash folder (when reporting related to a crash).

Generic WHL 197 . AC: Dancing with the wallflower. ACC: Partick on tour.

Discussion in 'Console Lounge' started by moodyryder, Sep 19, 2020.

  1. moodyryder

    moodyryder Hardcore Simmer

    Welcome to the Weekly Hotlap Challenge 197 –

    AC Dancing with the wallflower

    ACC Partick on tour

    Assetto Corsa Challenge: Hotlap
    Car: BMW M4
    Track: Magione

    Assetto Corsa Competizione Challenge: Hotlap

    Car: Emil Frey Jaguar G3
    Track: Barcelona
    Time: 10am
    Weather: Custom

    Please see competitor, weather and track conditions in How To Take Part below.


    Assetto Corsa Challenge: BMW M4 Magione

    There aren't many cars left unused on the WHL database.

    It's time for this BMW to get off the shelf and show what she can do.

    Stats, Tyres, pressures

    Pressures are unknown to me. Maybe a WHL superhero can help you out with that information.

    WR on the RSR website is 1:21.674 by Goodgame.Existenz :)

    Assetto Corsa Competizione Challenge: Hotlap at Barcelona with the Emil Frey Jaguar

    As selected by Neilski, winner of ACC 195, it's the Jagwah at Barcelona on a damp track.


    Black Cat Matters. Just as much as the other circuits.
    How to take part:
    *Assetto Corsa Challenge*

    To enter the Assetto Corsa Challenge, select Hotlap, choose the BMW M4 and the Magione circuit.
    Please setup the session as follows:
    Mode: Hotlap - Ambient Temp: 26 Degrees - Setup: Time of day: Free / Controller: Free / Assists: Free / Stability: Free. To qualify you must have the ambient temp set to 26 DegC.

    *Assetto Corsa Competizione Challenge*

    In Single Player:
    1. Choose the Emil Frey Jaguar in the 2018 section.
    2. Challenge: Select Hotlap
    3. Duration: n/a
    4. Time: Select 10:00
    5. Select the Barcelona Circuit
    6. Weather - select CUSTOM
    7. Disable DYNAMIC (Variab. 1% - Cloud 25% - Precip. 0% - Temp. 27DegC)
    8. Disable RANDOM
    9. Track Grip: Green
    10. Wetness at: 20%
    11. Standing water 10%


    The screen shot required to enter your time is in Timetables at the end of the session.
    Realism and Assist Settings are up to you. Ideally, please use PRO

    For ease of admin, please use the following format to post your times to be included on the leader boards:
    For Hotstint and Quick Race, please show the number of laps and total time
    Challenge –
    AC or ACC
    Improvement (Only required if you have already posted a time)
    Your name (as you would like it to appear on the leaderboard)
    Your time - shown as x.xx.xxx. (This week it is your fastest lap)
    Your platform (PC Xb1 PS4)
    The screen shot showing your time.
    (Optional but in the spirit) Your thoughts or any comment
    Please post video clips and share information here as well.

    You can run as many laps as you can manage and update your times as often as you like. It is all about taking part, pushing yourself and enjoying Assetto Corsa and Competizione. All Platforms are welcome. To submit a time, pause the game and select 'session' from the menu and screenshot this page or take a photo of your screen and post it in this thread - Note all the information from the screen is required including temperature, mode heading (Hotlap) and of course the car being used!

    Deadline: Sunday 20th September 2020
    Chequered Flag will drop shortly before 6pm.

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  3. Peggy11

    Peggy11 Hardcore Simmer


    M4 Hotlap.png

    Quick go to get a marker in for me to try and beat.

    34psi hot all round seems to be the best?

    I didn't think I was going to enjoy this combo, I am pleasantly surprised, it is good fun :D
  4. GoodGame.eXistenZ

    GoodGame.eXistenZ Hardcore Simmer

    Hey guys, I have been busy running leagues. Hopefully I can do some laps tomorrow. Some bits on my rig still need some fine tuning, will keep you posted. Temps at AC are still 26 not 10°?
  5. Peggy11

    Peggy11 Hardcore Simmer


    Jag Hotlap.png

    Well this is very slippery! It took a bit of getting used to, but it's fun once you get dialled in.
  6. mike reynolds

    mike reynolds Hardcore Simmer

    Mike Reynolds

    Messages keep telling me the opposite of whatever tyres I have on are optimum...but wets seem a little faster to me

    ACC Jag Barcelona.PNG
  7. moodyryder

    moodyryder Hardcore Simmer

    The pitfalls of copy & paste.

    I just noticed the deadline. It should of course be Sunday 27th September, 1800 UK time.

    As for the temperature, TW hasn't said any different, so I've left it (copy & pasted) at 26.
  8. Peggy11

    Peggy11 Hardcore Simmer


    Jag Hotlap.png

    After @mike reynolds pearls of wisdom I had another go on wets instead of slicks.

    I concur that the wets are definitely quicker :)
  9. DriverModFTW

    DriverModFTW Hardcore Simmer

  10. GoodGame.eXistenZ

    GoodGame.eXistenZ Hardcore Simmer

    So, first of all. I wanted to show my hotlap with the M4 at Magione. Tomorrow I should be able to post a lap time. Time here done on 10° 1:21:674.

    So, what have I been doing? Well, here a short draft.
    On wednesday I increased my lead in the championship for the ADAC SimRacing Pokal 2020. Unfortunately a great battle for P1 was destroyed by some lag :( See min 2:01:20. But as P1 was a guest starter I take full points.

    Today was the start of the second World Sim Series GT3 Endurance Series at Spa, which I was able to win.

    I qualified for the Ferrari Hublot Esport Series at Barcelona today and took 2nd place.
  11. Neilski

    Neilski Alien

    Wow o_O... This car is a total animal. Feels like you can floor it at idle RPM in 3rd and still light up the tyres (probably not quite true tho).
    As ever, clueless about what might be worth changing on the setup, so I'm grateful that there aren't too many things to change!
    (The TC is weird btw - at setting 1 it's cutting in so much it's painful, and at setting 2 it might as well be off. I settled on 0 :))
  12. Neilski

    Neilski Alien

    Quite a few knobs to twiddle on this one though! Not sure about the power curve on this car (or the throttle mapping for that matter) but I'm amazed to find myself choosing between 1st and 2nd gear on so many corners. Still on the default setup for now (thus wets) but will do some tweaking on the next run.
  13. F1415182235

    F1415182235 Hardcore Simmer

    1:22.943 - X1
    26 psi all around, front toe 4 rear toe 9.
    Bunch of toe out on the rear which made the lap more exciting.
  14. Emmanuel Tubbiolo

    Emmanuel Tubbiolo Hardcore Simmer

    Unbelievable. Because I subscribed to the Ferrari channel it came up. Just curious I watched a bit of it. If I had known... fantastic performance once again. But are we really surprised?
  15. GoodGame.eXistenZ

    GoodGame.eXistenZ Hardcore Simmer

    Thanks. I must admit I will not be competing for the top spot in the Ferrari Series. I do not feel comfortable with the car, do not enjoy it and having some issues finding a good setup - but still it is some nice competition.


    Quick go with the M4. I recently switched to a smaller turning radius and yes, it is too sensitiv for this car. Also it appears when the temperatures are higher the car has more of a sudden grip, making power slides a daily routine. I run PSI 25 and 25 FB, toe 5 and 10 FB and max camber at the front.
  16. Alexis_RS_MKII

    Alexis_RS_MKII Simracer



    I almost used the same settings as @GoodGame.eXistenZ with few modifications with rear camber and toe. Not that simple but very fun combo
  17. TinPeach

    TinPeach Hardcore Simmer


    Standard wet setup and no matter what I do i seem to be stuck lapping at 55.5 ish. Something has gotta change!

    Attached Files:

  18. V8_KB

    V8_KB Alien

    Got some room for newcomers? ;)

  19. Mustang 500

    Mustang 500 Hardcore Simmer

    Mustang 500
    Have not done WHC in a while can't believe it is almost 200. BMW likes to slide.
  20. Pretend racer

    Pretend racer Hardcore Simmer

    pretend racer


    I started with labbe's tune, but I hard a hard time dealing with the loose caboose. I kept adding toe and -camber until I got to the max. The front end felt fairly good so I didn't adjust anything there. Corrected tire psi, fuel level, and made sure tc was off. 100 percent braking power of course.

    I love drifting -whoops meant driving- this car and magione is a perfect pick for this car. Great combo for hotlapping, might not be the best for racing, but really what car is great to race here? Tandem drifting, is where its at! - hell yah!

    Attached Files:

  21. jo_siffert

    jo_siffert Racer

    Back from Holiday :)


    Starting with the default wet setup - just lowered the tire pressure all around by 2 psi


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