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Generic How to get a proper third person view and a request to the devs

Discussion in 'Console Lounge' started by SlimCharles, Jul 18, 2017.

  1. SlimCharles

    SlimCharles Alien

    Why Kunos should add a third person view camera? Because, appart from a sim, it can also be a racing game enjoyble for arcade or pad racers (or what the heck, whoever whats to race with the third person view).

    And if it is such a problem for the "sim integrity" of the game, then let Kunos add it only on consoles.

    Console players mostly play with pad. Happy console players -> Happy Kunos.

    God, I just cant understand why some pleople dont want others to enjoy the game with something that wont take almost any time from the team. :rolleyes:

    More than a slider, an option to eliminate any movement of the camera so the result would be what I got with the FOV app.

    Because the movement of the camera is wrong per se: it moves related to the inputs so you move to the right and it moves to the right and then slowly centers itself. It is impossible to control the car if you loose it because that view doesnt give you any information of how the car is reacting.

    Like I said before, in other games like Driveclub the movement of the camera is related with oversteering, so it works like a visual force feedback.

    I didnt ask for that because the team is busy enough to work on that kind of third person view. What I said or what you said of the slider (but allowing to eliminate completely the movement of the camera) would be much easier and would work perfectly fine; like I showed on the videos it gives you good information of how the car is reacting (it's basically GT5 and 6 camera).
    baboon likes this.
  2. Ace Pumpkin

    Ace Pumpkin Alien

    Yeah, got you.
    Just one question: would you drive in it as comparably as with a reasonably setup, given a realistic FOV?
  3. ppbucko

    ppbucko Hardcore Simmer

    This is a first for me, I'm actually coming down on the side of the pc brigade. It's supposed to be a sim, a point everyone seems to agree on, so surly you should be sitting in the drivers seat, or pushing it bonnet view. 3rd person cam or chase cam should only be used for recording purposes. Same as pad settings, do you drive a car with a pad and sitting on the roof or do you sit in a seat looking out the windscreen and use a wheel and pedals. This game supposed to be a sim, so that's driver view and a wheel.

    I do see where your coming from though to get more people playing it.
    Ace Pumpkin likes this.
  4. Ace Pumpkin

    Ace Pumpkin Alien

    Because you can't enjoy a sim with simcade settings, simple as that. It just won't work...
  5. Ace Pumpkin

    Ace Pumpkin Alien

    I'm with you here, but it's not about what you should do, it's about what works.
  6. ppbucko

    ppbucko Hardcore Simmer

    Another point, can you name any game that's exceptional to play on a pad and wheel. A/C is exceptional on wheel, average on pad. P cars is better on a wheel than a pad, forza is better on a pad "for the mass market" only average on a wheel.
  7. Ace Pumpkin

    Ace Pumpkin Alien

    I don't think you find any, it's either wheel or pad...., sim or game.
  8. Epistolarius

    Epistolarius Alien

    I don't think you can properly judge corners and speeds in third person mode. One can adapt to it and eventually put out good laps but no, I don't think it's the best way to play a simulator. There's the concern about situational awareness advantage in third person view... but then again people use radar apps like helicorsa in-cockpit as well and it's offset by the aforementioned disadvantages of third person view. Really in the end... let people play the game like they want. Play it like you want. Up to devs to decide if they want to put any work into it or not.

    Assetto Corsa is much better on a gamepad than Forza IMHO. No weird physics you have to fight with.
    SlimCharles likes this.
  9. ppbucko

    ppbucko Hardcore Simmer

    I've been a big critic of this game since release, I think I've been quite fair though with what I've wrote, but the one thing they have got right and is the only reason why I'm still here is the physics handling model on ffb wheels is absolute quality. If you was to make it easier to use a pad and more 3rd angle cameras then your taking the best part of the game away from someone using a game pad. How long would the mass market players stick around for, most mass market game features are missing. The mass market players bought it on release and got rid pretty quick, I can't see them getting it agaiin. There's better racing games already out there for using a game pad on.
  10. SlimCharles

    SlimCharles Alien

    Why other people cant enjoy the game like they want to if that doesnt interfere in your enjoynment of the game?

    It will take almost no time from the devs and it will make very happy a lot of people.

    @Ace Pumpkin This is very clear: you want other people to enjoy the game like you want to and what is worse your trying again and again to sabotage a thread of a platform you dont even belong to. No interest in a person with such ideas. Ignored.

    @Epistolarius You are right, it's actually better and much more easier to add the slider or an option to eliminate the movement of the camera. It gives you the camera I manage to get, it solve the problem of the suspension movement and it offers the third person view sounds.
  11. pippo10

    pippo10 Hardcore Simmer

    Reg. Exterior sounds, a simple option to mix exterior and interior sound levels will suffice. I've mention this option before as it would be nice to be able to raise the exhaust volume so you can hear it in cockpit view a little more. Also in some open roof cars like the MX5 ( not open wheelers ) ,when you skip through the views the sound changes when in cockpit view as if it was a tin top. So that's where a sound mix would be needed.


    However, if you are going to implement it then implement it in a satisfactory manor, or give people the option to adjust to requirement. They added it for a reason, that reason surely being that they knew some player would play in chase cam. Also it is a good way to slowly introduce those players into the SIM life. Many people struggle in cockpit view but may learn over time in a more serious game but completely dump it in an arcade game.
    SlimCharles likes this.
  12. Maciej_42

    Maciej_42 Rookie

    I honestly don't understand you pal... First of all you're a PC gamer on a console forum, why? Secondly as a PC player, from what I know you already have the option to turn off the "swinging" off in third person view by changing the G-force effects, meaning you don't have this issue with your copy of the game (sorry, simulation), so stop trying to tell us how to play this game seeing you can already play the game the way OP and others would want to - a.k.a. without an awful third person cam.

    All the OP wants is basically what you already have access to. I think it's only fair seeing as we most likely paid more for this game than you and all we get is about 70% of the total experience.

    And from a business point of view - a great third person camera like the one in project cars could really do wonders for KUNOS, more people would probably buy this game on console (because being quite frank the handling is great even with a pad, easier and more fun than Forza in my opinion), more sales means more money - more money means bigger business and more people in the dev team. All with a simple addition that doesn't change your enjoyment one bit yet opens up the franchise to a lot more people...
    SlimCharles likes this.
  13. SlimCharles

    SlimCharles Alien

    There is already that option on PC? can anybody from PC post a video of the result of the third person view camera without the g-forces movement?
  14. Donnced2

    Donnced2 Alien

    Wow.....some quite closed minds in here... A camera setting make a sim less sim???:confused:

    Some need fresh air, enjoy the summer and think that a game is a game.. None match real life, not even assetto.

    Let's play the people like they want... :)
    esox71 and plastikman66 like this.
  15. Ace Pumpkin

    Ace Pumpkin Alien

    No, reducing G Forces to zero don't render the stable, Forza-like view you want. That info is totally rubish.
  16. plastikman66

    plastikman66 Gamer

    Fantastic. Now I know this I can use it to have better bonnet cams as some are just far too low and show too much bonnet on screen. Thanx!
    esox71 and SlimCharles like this.
  17. pippo10

    pippo10 Hardcore Simmer

    The great thing is not only can you set the bonnet view as you like, but you can set it with whatever FOV you like too.
    SlimCharles likes this.
  18. Fat-Alfie

    Fat-Alfie Hardcore Simmer

    http:// I don't understand how some people can buy AC for their console because of its realistic physics model, and yet demand to play it like this :



    edited for grammar :oops:
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2017
  19. baboon

    baboon Alien

    You sound too reasonable, go play Forza or something :p

    That "sim integity" is just a fantasy construct existing in some peoples minds. Kunos seems to know very well how game design is important to make AC enjoyable for anyone who likes a good racing game.
  20. pippo10

    pippo10 Hardcore Simmer

    But who plays it like that?


    Is this better?

    I strictly use cockpit, but I totally understand why people who use cockpit on console also play in chase cam occasionally.

    Edit: I don't use that FOV lol.
    baboon likes this.
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