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Brake pressure/sensitivity needed!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat Room' started by MsportDAN, Aug 6, 2015.

  1. Andy-R

    Andy-R Alien

    yeah I can hit 100% on 10 but the pedals creep away from me. I used to run an upper deadzone at 80% but the more of that you use the more difficult it is to modulate around the sweet spot. some brake is applied whilst your depressing the spring (before the load cell kicks in) after that as you say it is just solid. without being able to apply much force (10kg was guesstimate) I have real trouble replicating an amount of pressure. so I tend to pump the brake quite bit trying to guage braking. I just meant to suggest that load cell isnt necessarily an advantage as I could hit a % of brake travel much more accurately with my old spring pedals. others have had the opposite experience so I guess it boils down to preference and or circumstance
  2. I see. I take it you have tried adjusting gamma quite a bit to get a better feel with upper deadzone at 80%?

    If gamma tweaking didn't help you can also try DXTweak2. The brake gamma curve as you know is only adjustable in one direction. With DXTweak2, you can't make a "curve" per se, but it does something very similar. You can increase or decrease sensitivity in certain areas.

    http:// [​IMG]


    You could also hack it. Open it up, look at it. Get a spacer or use several washers (hardware store) so that whatever part makes physical contact after spring travel is finished, makes contact much sooner.

    I did that with my G27 DIY load cell. There was quite a bit of pedal travel; too much. Put a big spacer in there. Travel is very short, and that travel barely activates the brake.
    Andy-R likes this.
  3. Andy-R

    Andy-R Alien

    I did download dx tweak but it only ever seemed to show my th8rs iirc :p

    I appreciate the suggestions but im pretty much done fiddling atm, im pretty lazy lol I often cant be bothered to change my settings per car either which is pretty necessary for clutch and brake (miura is a good example of a car I think needs pretty different clutch deadzones to other cars)

    I will bookmark this page and next time I have a crisis and start clicking things I can refer to it :p

    ...oh, im using linear 1.0 gamma btw, blurb suggests to use it for load cell
    Seria17hri11er likes this.
  4. esox71

    esox71 Alien

    IMO Most bought load cells don't have enough springs and dampers on the pedals you bought it for, look at some of the highest end load cell pedals, they have multiple springs and dampers, so for optimal feel you shouldn't be really just banging on the load cell.
    You'll probably bend feck out of it if it's a cheap low kg rated one.
  5. Andy-R

    Andy-R Alien

    if you run csp's on the lowest setting the cell seems to hold up ok. my pedals are saturated with pubes, crumbs and tears of defeat but dont often skip a beat. I have to unplug the connectors underneath and replug them when they do play up but no major issues (had for maybe 1.5<2 years)
    Jim Michels and esox71 like this.
  6. *Edit - Changed "race car engineering" to "brake systems engineering."

    I believe they are trying to achieve a feel similar to what people are used to when driving their everyday cars. But that is not entirely necessary.

    I did some research before hacking my pedals. From what I could find, reading about brake systems engineering, is that ideally the brake pedal is as firm as a brick! :eek:

    *Edit, changed "backing that statement" to "somewhat explaining that, and factors that would undesirably reduce pedal stiffness."

    Then they explain 6 points, with a paragraph each somewhat explaining that, and factors that would undesirably reduce pedal stiffness. You can read it here if you would like:


    A bit crazy. So, I could have just slapped a hard metal or plastic spacer in my pedals that made contact with the load cell, and that would have been "ideal" for a real race car.

    I didn't. I used this on the left: http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/v9AAAOSwHnFV07gP/s-l1600.jpg

    It's quite firm, but has a bit of flex. I liken it to simulating the flex of the pedal, flex of brake caliper, and flex of brake rotor.

    The load cell I used is 50 KG.

    Blurb? Load cells actually have a curve. It's not designed to have a curve, it's just inherent in the design; a limitation. I use 1.2 gamma. Just something for you to think about.

    Last edited: Feb 24, 2016
    Jack Bancroft and esox71 like this.
  7. Andy-R

    Andy-R Alien

    blurb was probably the wrong word to use really, its like a brief description of a thing. like a preview... or summary... or somewhere inbetween (if it was a genuine question not sarcasm :p.)

    i meant the little description for the brake gamma setting. it says use 1.0 for load cell pedals, unless it's a different game that says that :/

    is it always favourable to add gamma to try and correct this load cell nonlinearity? can it effectively be adding gamma itself?
  8. I see what you are saying now. Didn't realize the sim said that.

    I wouldn't say it's always favorable. It's just a thing you have to tweak and test and feel. Tricky.

    If I recall the charts I read awhile back on the load cells correctly, they "add" inverse Gamma. That is, initial pressure is more sensitive than it should be, while higher pressures aren't as sensitive as they should be.

    If you were to try with an 80% deadzone at the top again, I would recommend setting some pretty high gamma settings; not to use, just to test. Just to test if it felt better near max braking. If a very high gamma setting did make the top feel better, but made the bottom way too unresponsive, then you know you need to utilize DXTweak to adjust just the top end.
    Andy-R likes this.
  9. esox71

    esox71 Alien

    Yeah the old muscle memory theory, IRL pedals(especially race car pedals) have the weight(partial) of the driver thrust upon them.(inertia)
    Totally different from pedals/controllers made for playing a computer game.
    Real life Steering wheels and gaming steering wheel......other miss conception too imho.:)
  10. I don't understand what the hell your really trying to say there. You should try to elaborate a little more sometimes instead of just writing 3 sentences.

    A race car driver is held tightly in his seat by his harness. Any weight on the pedal, not from the driver using his muscles to press it, comes solely from the weight of that persons braking leg X G force.

    But, I don't even know what your point is.
  11. ACgt1

    ACgt1 Racer

    Yes, 40% in pedal app, but can't be really sure if it's really 40% pressure because I don't have a way to measure it. But it's what I feel with my foot anyway.

    Gamma is set to 1.

    No, that's not how CSP work. They're calibrated automatically when you hit the next max value. So, let's say we have 50% (travel or pressure depends on pedal) that's your 100% in pedal app. The next time you hit 60% pedal travel (shows 100% in pedal app from 50-60%), it will be your 100% in pedal app the next time and so on.

    Yes, that's exactly it. I never had much problems in previous sims though. It may be the way AC is programmed. Or maybe tyre model related thing?

    If you run too high settings, it might break. But still, my load cell broke on low default setting after just two weeks of use. After replacing it a couple years back and using quite high settings on and off, it works flawlessly.
  12. esox71

    esox71 Alien

    That's fine, not bothered if you don't understand others will, point being, we need brake pressure adjustment,emphasising the obvious....not my thing really.
  13. esox71

    esox71 Alien

    Is that not how all pedals work? Like what I said?o_O
  14. ACgt1

    ACgt1 Racer

    Well, yes I admit. I kind of lost it. I understood that I should apply 25kg for 40% pedal app recognition when I had say 25kg for 100% before unplugging it. Facepalm, language barrier.

    But that's no cure because you would always instinctively apply more pressure when you don't have any physical stopper.
  15. dauntless

    dauntless Alien

    The driver equipment in real cars have different set of requirements than our sim equipment. A potentiometer based brake for example does not really work in race car. Because of the bumps and kerbs it is practically impossible to hold certain position of the brake pedal. Any movement of your body directly moves the pedal. This is why f1 teams even use dampers in the throttle pedals. It allows the driver better control over bumps and kerbs. A bump won't accidentally cause your throttle to go from 30% to 100% or 0%. In the past f1 teams used unlinear throttle pedals for the same reason. Allow more control when coming out of corners on bumpy tracks.

    For sim racing damper is not very useful. It doesn't really do anything. Only thing there is to damp is your own inputs. Which it can do and that also changes the feel of the pedal which some may prefer.

    Unlinear inputs are also kinda useless for sim racing. Because when we sit and drive our seat doesn't move and we don't experience any forces nor motion except our own movements (unless you have a motion sim). So we don't need to compromise our input devices to deal with motion. A fully linear brake pedal for example offers the best accuracy. Any kind of unlinearity you can add to sim racing brake pedal will only make it less precise at the position you want it to be as precise as possible (no sim allows you to use falling rate type of setting).

    Many people use the brake gamma to move the bite point of the brake later in the pedal but this also makes the window smaller where you want to be if you want to brake at the limit. This is horrible for old pedals with limited resolution. I've experienced it first hand and it is just impossible to brake at kind of limit. If I was unhappy with my brake pedal and where the bitepoint is I'd do everything else and try literally everything else before changing the gamma to anything else than fully linear.

    A brake pressure setting would be far superior system in any imaginable way than the gamma. For everybody.

    Having a brakepressure setting for the cars would even allow kunos to offer specific brake settings for each car. For example something like the modern m3 has relatively soft assisted brake pedal compared to something like the miura, 98T or f1 car. With loadcells this can be actually simulated. First add a tickbox in the wheel setup menu which allows you to toggle something called loadcell (pressure sensitive, whatever) brake on and off. Then add a new value in brakes.ini for every car. Call it loadcell_multiplier or whatever. Range is from 0 to 1. At 1.0 you need to press the brake pedal as hard as you did when calibrating it (think f1 car). At 60% you need to press it less (modern road car). Now every car has its own brake pedal feel. (at 0 your brakes don't work). And if you don't like the feature you can also turn it off (obviously important for people who use potentiometers or hall sensors for their brake pedals). This would of course be on top of the brake pressure setting in each car's wheel settings (adjusted per car basis just like ffb).

    Loadcell brakes are not extremely rare things anymore. Fanatec has probably sold (tens?) thousands of clubsport pedals with loadcells. So theoretically there are lots of people who might use this feature. It would also be the first time when a sim offers this kind unique brake pedal feel for each car.

    Also for motion sim people it might be useful to offer gamma for throttle pedal as well.

    The pads and the rotors don't flex. Both are basically lumps of steel. There are other parts that do flex but definitely not the rotor or the caliper.
    esox71 and Blamer like this.
  16. No, pads do not, I didn't say they did. They are lumps of steel. Steel can flex just like everything else if enough force is applied.

    I have watched my calipers and rotors flex on my E30 while a friend was pumping them to bleed them.

    And to be even more clear, the outside part of the caliper, with the outer pad has a gap between the rotor--obviously necessary to prevent contact when not braking. That outside pad has no piston to move it in to contact the rotor on my E30 and many passenger cars. The piston on the inner side of the caliper forces the pad to make contact with the rotor--as you obviously know. While that piston is forcing the pad onto the rotor, the rotor flexes outboard and makes contact with the outer pad.

    Perhaps your thinking of race cars, or cars with pistons on both sides of the caliper/rotor. In that case, no the rotor does not flex. And on a race car, the caliper probably only flexes in the tiniest amount, if that.
  17. AC cars just have very very high brake torque....some of the road cars produce as much as LMP1s....
    esox71 likes this.
  18. esox71

    esox71 Alien

  19. Because that's what Kunos decided to use for them....how would I know their reasoning....
  20. esox71

    esox71 Alien

    oh ok...any other useless information?
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